Tuesday, 15 April 2008

'Normal' Service being resumed

My parents came down to visit on Saturday and went home this morning. Hence my lag of blogging. My Dad needs something to do - he's not one for sitting down - so we started a project in the garden.

A & I have been planning this for a while. We used to have a shed in the top right corner of the garden. Unfortunately this shed rotted away in places, and plants made inroads through its walls in others, so it had to go. A & D had a wonderful time with hammers and saws one afternoon 3+ years ago dismantling it and loading the detritus into a skip. They left behind the base mainly as a weed suppressant till we could decide what to do with it.

Eventually A & I settled on turning it into a raised herb bed. Unfortunately that patch doesn't get enough direct sunlight to make a good place for herbs, particularly the Mediterranean types that we love to use in the kitchen. So we're making a two tier border to link the top border with the right-hand border. The herbs will go into the top border once I've got it cleared - for me, read my friend Jan, with James and Neal.

There will be photos once I've got them uploaded - too tired right now and bits of me ache that I didn't know existed. I've been lifting slabs, breaking slabs with a hammer and bolster chisel, edging the lawn, shovelling sand, and dodging the rain.

It'll look great once it's done

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Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.