Wednesday, 28 May 2008

A sign I'm getting older

For some time now I have noticed that my vision gets a bit blurred when I'm tired. Last Thursday I went for a 3 mile or so walk with a friend and we 'accidentally' finished it off in the pub. I was 6 feet away from the wine bottles and I couldn't make out the grape varieties on the labels! (And this was before I'd been served, let alone drank a couple of glasses).

So, today I went to the opticians at Tesco as they had an immediate appointment. I am now £149 lighter but have 2 pairs of glasses with anti-glare tint. They'll be ready sometime in the next couple of weeks. I have to use them for close-work - like being on here, or reading - but not for day-to-day activities (though I suppose that will come eventually).

Monday, 26 May 2008

Slugs and snails

We've all been busy in the garden.

D likes to grow tomatoes but gets annoyed when the slugs eat the plants. This year he's planted some tumbling tomatoes in hanging baskets to try to beat them, along with planting some French marigold to dissuade the aphids. He also found some hanging basket strawberries - now all he has to do is work out how to keep the birds off his fruit (when we get some).

I've planted some herbs in my new border. A word of warning here - the Curry plant is rather pungent and the smell clings to you, even after a nanosecond of contact. My car smells like last night's take-away. They're all in the border now so we'll see if the slugs leave me any.

I don't enjoy planting things only for pests to destroy them. Because of Scooby I can't use slug pellets. I've tried saucers of beer but they seem to prefer my green offerings instead. Why can't they munch their way through weeds instead, there's plenty of ivy that could do with eating up!

Thursday, 22 May 2008


It had to happen, but it's still not fair. My darling daughter is now taller than me! I haven't been the shortest in the house for over 16 years - and it doesn't really count when it's just you and your hubby so that would really be 19 years.


Monday, 19 May 2008

Big changes are afoot

I went to the big Sainsbury's at Hedge End today. I used a small trolley, not much bigger than a basket. It was beginning to overflow by the time I got the checkout. Imagine the shock when the bill came to just a smidge over £77!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was no alcohol in that and it wasn't even a full week's shopping. If food prices keep climbing like this the obesity epidemic will be over fast - no-one will be able to afford to eat!

Petrol is now £1.14 + per litre and that's at the supermarkets, traditionally the cheapest place to fill up. We haven't been hard-up since before the kids were born but we're certainly feeling the pinch now. And of course the odd unexpected expense keeps happening. A's car needs two new tires, Scooby goes to see a physio tomorrow, I really need to see the osteopath (next week now), etc, you get the picture?!

So A has decided that if I could get a job he would appreciate it. I've offered before, many times, but he's always said that it wasn't necessary. Now it would come in handy. He's going to ask around at his place to see what clerical/admin jobs are going. I'd prefer part-time for a start as K will still be home educated for another year, but she's big enough to be left and can do basic housework - no, she won't be doing all of it, she needs to study more than I need a housekeeper.

I have enjoyed being a stay-at-home-mum and full-time housewife. We are such rarities these days. However, duty calls.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Change of plans

Tomorrow I should be going up to Nottingham for the 25th anniversary of leaving school. A was going to take the kids to Bristol for their English exam. Instead I'll be doing Bristol and not going to the party.

Why? Well I'll have to take Scooby with me and although he travels well he doesn't like staying away overnight. In fact he's ready to come home half an hour after we get there. It doesn't take long for him to stop eating properly. As most of his pills need food/are served with food, he needs to eat. Also the cost of petrol these days is getting silly. And K is sitting her first proper exam tomorrow and is quite likely to need lots of emotional support. A can do it but he's not as intuitive. So, my job is to be here.

Exam season

Today was the first of the exams for my two. D was well-prepared for it, having scored 92%+ in all his practice papers. He came out of it quite unfazed. He said he found a couple of bits slightly difficult but once he'd worked out what it was asking him it was easy enough.

He resat his C1 module from AS maths. He sat it the first time in January 07 and got a C. This was his first AS paper and he didn't do much revision. Yes I nagged but got nowhere so left him to sink or swim. By his standards he sank. Since then he has revised well for each module and done plenty of practice papers.

He needs a grade A overall (AS + A2) to do a Maths and Computing degree. Fingers crossed he does as well as expected in C4 and S1 in the next few weeks. He should, as he is getting 90%+ in practice.

Tomorrow is the dreaded English IGCSE. I'm expecting D to get a B or C. I think K will probably get an E. She can always resit - she is a year younger than her brother so there is no rush and no panic.

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Ah well!

I suppose it was too much to hope that my polymorphic light eruption rash would stay gone for the whole year. I thought it might be making an appearance but my skin can be lumpy and bumpy anyway, so I was hoping that's all it was. Alas, this morning's run in wall-to-wall blue skies and hot sunshine has pushed me over the edge.

Now I have to hope that the patch-testing next month (unless the NHS decides to move it again) shows what it is in sunscreen that makes my face react. I don't get much reaction on the rest of me, except when it dries out after an hour or so and makes me itch. My face goes red, itchy, hot, and feels puffy, and if it gets near my eyes they start to run.

When you are doing exercise you absent-mindedly rub your face with your hands so I can't just use any on my hands. Anyway, who wants to have to bath themselves in suncream just to hang the washing out! I think I'll have to search for UV-reflective gloves.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Why I hate hot nights

It's now officially too hot to leave the bedroom windows closed. Unfortunately that means that I get woken up, frequently, by people coming home from the pub/nightclub. I have enough difficulty sleeping in hot weather as it is without being roused from my slumber by shrieks and giggles or one-sided mobile phone conversations.

I'm not ecstatic about hot days either but at least I can take refuge in front of a fan. I need peace and quiet to sleep so have to turn them off at night.

Going off at a tangent - I can't decide if my hands/arms are reacting or not. The skin isn't smooth at the best of times so it isn't always obvious if new spots are UV related or just a coincidence. Fingers crossed it's the latter.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Proud Mum Moment!!!

D has performed a major miracle! For the first time ever he has been given a B for English. He managed to do it for a mock exam paper too. He's playing it down and feeling embarrassed about it - typical teenager. He reckons that no-one else needs to know because then he can't use the excuse that he's bad at English. I reckon the whole world needs to know as he was pretty much written off in that subject when he was at school.

Geography, however, is going to be a skin of the teeth pass - if the wind is in the right direction.

Monday, 5 May 2008

Out of the mouths of babes and children

Yes, that includes my 16 year old son. He's told me to get my own stopwatch as I run too slowly for him! This is the boy who needs coercing out the door to do any exercise in the first place. He says he's not going to log any of the runs he does with me till I get my own watch as it's not a true reflection on his performance.

Kids! Who'd have 'em?!

On a plus point I have more energy. A & I went into Southampton today and I ran up and down some stairs in a shop!

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Nothin' doin'

It's a bank holiday weekend and I'm being lazy - apart from getting abuse from the Wii Fit. Life is plodding along without anything noteworthy happening. Hampshire were getting stuffed in the Sunday League last time I looked, A is watching the snooker final - yawn!

Oh, and I've been lured on to Facebook.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Girly Time

A & D are out all day today. I dropped them off at the bowling alley at 7.50 this morning and I'll probably see them again sometime between 10pm and midnight. D is part of a team from here that are entering the Junior National Championships. A is one of the coaches at the club.

I'm not sure how well they'll do as all the team can have their bad days. Fingers crossed it doesn't go totally pear-shaped.

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.