Wednesday, 2 July 2008

If only I could do that every time

Last night was bowling night. My handicap has been as 'low' as 58 this season but it's currently back at 60. My bowling of late has been dire. Some games I have struggled to make 100! I've discovered and then lost the art of bagging corner pins for spares.

The first game last night started reasonably well with 67 scored in 4 frames. I then went on to get 7 strikes in a row to make a final scratch score of 226 - my best ever! Unfortunately the game had to end. The second one was pretty awful, of course. I just about managed 112 - not much difference, eh? The third game was better but not as good as the first, giving me an overall scratch series score of 471 (an average of 157 per game). This is still way better than my season average of 132 but I was disappointed after the excellent start. On the positive side my name now graces the pole position for the ladies scratch and handicap games (226/286). Should be a little bit of prize money coming my way in August.

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Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.