Another box arrived to day with more freebies in, just over £238 worth this week. Fortunately I don't have to re-organise the kitchen yet again.
D is off to Explorer Camp tomorrow on the Isle of Wight. A has to have him and a friend down to the Red Funnel terminal in Southampton by 8.15am. Not too bad you might think, except tomorrow is the first day of Cowes Week and the ferry terminal is likely to be packed. Hence why A is taking him and not me.
K's back is slowly improving. She can get her hands behind the small of her back but still has trouble reaching up to brush her hair. She fell off a tyre swing and landed on her neck and shoulder. Fortunately we have an osteopath friend who could fit her in on Wednesday. She has a follow-up appointment for Tuesday morning as friend couldn't do a full treatment due to the pain level. K is being good and doing the exercises that were set.
I hit the meaning of life tomorrow - 42 to you non-Hitchikers people.
Oh, and the hot tub is back to full working order. It's so quiet. I'm sure it was never this quiet at all in the 6 years we've had it. I'll be in there later (again), watching the stars come out as the sun goes down, possibly with a glass of wine.
And you know what really got my goat today?! Yesterday was supposed to be THE day to get your washing done, and it gave us heavy showers. Today was supposed to be cloudy with showers, and we had lots of sun and some clouds. No rain whatsoever. Big deal, you might think. Well, I had plans to get the washing done yesterday and have been out all day today. So the laundry pile is still taking over the bathroom. And what's tomorrow's forecast - cloud and showers! HUH!!!!!!
Ummm, if you think about it, that will mean you can hang out your washing and get it dry tomorrow!!! Gentle hugs to K, beer for A, whoopee cushions to D, and enjoy your bottle to you;))
See you soon.
I did. It's finished thank you very much. Now all I have to do is wade my way through all the chocolate I got given.
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