Saturday, 30 January 2010

A Lisa-ism

You can never have too much money, yet you can have enough. 

Confused?  Then let me explain.  Enough money is when you can pay the bills, feed the family, keep a roof over your head, heat/power the home, keep your car going, go on holiday once a year, have the odd treat.  If there's anything left over (too much) then you can either save it or spend it.  By spending it I don't mean buying things necessarily, I mean paying off more of your mortgage/adding more to your pension fund/making a donation to charity (or more than one)/putting some aside for your kids or grandkids. 

There are loads of charities out there, doing great work, from the big nationals to the locals.  All of them will be eternally grateful to receive anything you can spare.  I mean, it sounds like fun to earn the sort of money footballers earn in a week - I personally would like to earn that in a year - but it must get boring after a while to know you can just buy what you want.  Where's the sense of achievement, the feeling of 'WOW' when you can finally afford it and buy it?  Yes for a few months it would be fun to splurge on absolutely everything that takes your fancy, but it must lose it's glamour eventually.  You can build up a nest egg/safety net for the future, plus your pension pot, but then what do you do with the remaining £20K - £30K per week?  Like I said above, there are plenty of good causes for whom that amount would keep them running for a year.

Did you know that Cancer Research is ENTIRELY funded by donations.  They get NO money from the government, yet it is largely down to their research that cancer is not always the automatic death sentence it was 30 years ago (therefore making it easier for the government to hit their cancer-curing targets).  The RNLI is the same.  It really is amazing that 2 big names that everyone knows are entirely funded by donations.

Gosh, that turned into a bit of a rant, didn't it?  I didn't pick those charities for any particular personal reasons.  They were just names of organisations that I knew you'd all know.  For these, and all the other charities, there is no such thing as enough money.

Busy, busy, busy

On Wednesday I had a Pampered Chef party - I love that stuff.  We all had a good time, with Chicken Tikka Masala cooked in the Deep Covered Baker .

On Thursday and Friday I worked all day, stuffing envelopes with 'heads-up' leaflets for the business's training seminars, and making various folders to be given out to the attendees.  None of it was particularly hard.  I spent most of both days in a world of my own, putting finishing touches to Plan J from the last post.  The distance learning aspect for AAT Levels 3 & 4 is looking very good.  I can work as fast or as slow as I like, the only fixed dates are the exams (June & December).  I'm also going to apply for a job advertised at Portsmouth University, helping to admin/organise business conferences/events there.  The pay is excellent (to me) but the only sticking point is they want you to have experience in a busy office environment.  I'll apply and see how it goes. 

If that goes pear-shaped, which I fully expect, then I shall be setting up a database of local (10 mile radius for a start) accounting firms.  Once I've revamped my CV and designed the killer covering letter I'll be sending them out to all these unsuspecting businesses, asking for a training position in return for a low wage, and if nothing's available please remember me when there is.  Ten out of ten for a proactive approach; unfortunately I expect hundreds of others have thought of it.  But nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?

Next week is looking busy.  College on Monday, nothing on Tuesday (yet), working the following 3 mornings till 1pm at a different place to this week.  However this week's place may want some more help next week so I've told them when I'm available, so I could be charging between 2 different jobs each day.  I'm not turning it down because it's all more pennies in the bank. 

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

More work!

Just a short one.

I'm a happy bunny this evening.  Earlier my agency rang to offer me 2 days work.  This should bring in about £100 so of course I said yes.  Unfortunately it means I can't attend the Home Ed session on Thursday wearing my Treasurer's hat.  I've e-mailed the group list offering them all an alternative way of paying me.  Fingers crossed they actually follow it.

Monday, 25 January 2010


OK so I must be at about Plan J for the future by now.  My 'butterfly' brain looks for new solutions if the current plan doesn't instantly yield the intended result.  This is something I need to work on.

All the previous plans 'failed' because none of the jobs I've applied for in the past 12 months, quite a few, haven't even offered me an interview.  Yes, the economy is in the sewer, but for someone who's previously got the first job she applied for this is a whole new game.  I need to learn patience and understand that it's not the fault of the plan; the plan just needs time to come to fruition.

I still want to be an accountant, I still want to continue studying for the AAT qualifications.  But I'm BORED!!!!  College is creeping along at a very slow pace and we're not allowed to go on ahead as then we'd be too far ahead of the others, so we have to twiddle our thumbs waiting for them to finish that chapter.  I've tried patience, really I have, but I am just fed up.  Part of me would like to quit but then I couldn't get on to the next level so I've got to tough it out.  My frustration isn't helped by more NVQ portfolio work which, although it isn't related to accounts, is required to pass this level.  This time I have to provide evidence of what I do at work - I'm allowed to use what I do for the Home Ed group - and how I manage my time, how I cope with deadlines, etc, etc, etc.  Oh and the best one is The Advantages/Disadvantages of Teamwork.  Me, I prefer to be left alone to get on with it, only occassionally conferring with anyone else.  Hardly the stuff of positive teamwork, eh?!  So you have been warned.  The next few weeks will probably see the most amazing outbursts of temper this side of your average 2 year old.

I'm already pretty much decided (hence Plan J) to change to a distance learning provider for the next year's Level 3 course.  This is subject to being allowed to race ahead when the going is easy AND that the NVQ stuff in that is covered by all that I have done/will do for this year.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

This Year's Goal

Apart from finding a job, that is, is to eat more healthily.  It got off to a shaky start but I've finally got my act together a bit better.

And not before time.  On Sunday I weighed in at 13st 6lbs!!!  I haven't been that heavy for nearly 2 years.  Today I found I'd lost 4lbs which made me feel a bit better but it has all been the required kick up the bum to get on with things.  I know you shouldn't weigh yourself so often because of such crazy fluctuations but I was scared the weight was still going up, and I don't want to return to the 14st I was carrying 2 years ago.

So for lunch today I had a jacket with cheese and beans, and a piece of garlic bread.  Very good, huh!  Then for dinner tonight I had this:

Yes that really is lettuce, tomato and peppers you see on my plate, along with some potato wedges, homemade pork curry-burgers and cucumber raita.  I ate most of the salad but only some of the burgers (they were small) and no wedges.  I was stuffed!!!!!  (And, no Joy, I didn't smother the salad in Balsamic dip like I said I would, the raita was enough).

Those of you who know me well will probably be climbing back into your chairs whilst checking if your heart has stopped.  Those of you who don't will probably be bemused as to why a plate with salad on it is cause for such merriment.  Well, I HATE salad, the texture, the taste, the whole shebang.  Or I did.  Today it really called to me to eat it so I did.  Admittedly it was in a mini pitta bread with raita and a mini pork burger.  BUT I ATE IT WITHOUT GAGGING, which is a very big thing.  There are going to be a lot of people all over the country who are going to be seriously gobsmacked.

Most of my 'get healthier, get fitter' stuff will be posted on my other blog.   You'll find the main body of this post repeated there, along with my weight loss tracker widget.  I want to keep this blog for 'life'.

Anyway, post a comment to let me know you're out there and still reading.

A New Year, A New Start

I've been off blogging for a little while, in fact I've been off a lot of things lately.  Blame the weather, blame the stress-filled year I've had (not much of it made the blog), blame me if you really want to.  And if I've upset you or hurt your feelings please forgive me.  I've really not been myself.  I'm hoping that things will continue to improve with this New Year.

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.