You can never have too much money, yet you can have enough.
Confused? Then let me explain. Enough money is when you can pay the bills, feed the family, keep a roof over your head, heat/power the home, keep your car going, go on holiday once a year, have the odd treat. If there's anything left over (too much) then you can either save it or spend it. By spending it I don't mean buying things necessarily, I mean paying off more of your mortgage/adding more to your pension fund/making a donation to charity (or more than one)/putting some aside for your kids or grandkids.
There are loads of charities out there, doing great work, from the big nationals to the locals. All of them will be eternally grateful to receive anything you can spare. I mean, it sounds like fun to earn the sort of money footballers earn in a week - I personally would like to earn that in a year - but it must get boring after a while to know you can just buy what you want. Where's the sense of achievement, the feeling of 'WOW' when you can finally afford it and buy it? Yes for a few months it would be fun to splurge on absolutely everything that takes your fancy, but it must lose it's glamour eventually. You can build up a nest egg/safety net for the future, plus your pension pot, but then what do you do with the remaining £20K - £30K per week? Like I said above, there are plenty of good causes for whom that amount would keep them running for a year.
Did you know that Cancer Research is ENTIRELY funded by donations. They get NO money from the government, yet it is largely down to their research that cancer is not always the automatic death sentence it was 30 years ago (therefore making it easier for the government to hit their cancer-curing targets). The RNLI is the same. It really is amazing that 2 big names that everyone knows are entirely funded by donations.
Gosh, that turned into a bit of a rant, didn't it? I didn't pick those charities for any particular personal reasons. They were just names of organisations that I knew you'd all know. For these, and all the other charities, there is no such thing as enough money.
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