Tuesday, 27 April 2010

A quick catch up

My UV-induced rash has started up.  That'll be me looking like a case of measles (hands and arms only, hopefully) till towards the end of October.  Hey ho!  Hence the feeling slightly miserable.

There's no news on the job front.  Not even a phone call to say "we don't know anything", which is quite rude seeing as I have been sending e-mails and calling only to be told that someone will call me back later the same day.  This is through a different agency to the one that currently employs me, not the company that was advertising the job in the first place.  Hence the feeling slightly miserable.

My brother has the results back from his mole biopsy.  Whilst not the worst news, there are definitely cells that have changed from 'normal' so, like me, he has to be careful.  Hence the feeling more than slightly miserable.

Normal service might be resumed this week.  (And before anyone gets excited I'm not THAT miserable, just bl**dy tired).

Monday, 12 April 2010

What a lovely weekend

The weather was warm and sunny.  Not sure if I've had a skin breakout - probably, but let me kid myself for just a few weeks more, eh?

We got a load of jobs done in the garden.  I had 2 wonderful labourers.  They did a lot of lifting and breaking (old terracotta plant pots to make drainage chips for my new planters).  K & I filled said planters and planted seeds in them.  A then set up the watering system.  Fingers crossed, we will have loads of vegetables.

Yesterday A & I went down to the sea front.  There were lots of yachts out doing their thing, and one whose owners were enjoying the view.

Today, whilst not strictly the weekend, I was up at 7.00, in Makro by 8.15 and home by 9.10 to put the second load of washing out.  Then I put away all my Makro shopping, tidied the cupboards under the sinks in the bathrooms, hoovered the stairs, and hoovered and tidied the big cloak cupboard by the back door.  By 11.30 the third load of washing was out.

Then I decided it was ME time so got out the camera and played with some of the settings.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

I think Spring is here

Finally!  The weather has chosen to be more seasonal this week.  I have been going on walks at lunchtime as I always feel in a better mood after.  This afternoon all 4 of us got stuck into some gardening.  Earlier K and I had decided that some big planters would go nicely under the kitchen window.  They're big enough for me to put carrots, lettuce and peppers into.  The carrots and lettuce are sewn directly into the planters.  The peppers are in seed trays in the house - in my new plastic mini-greenhouse.  It's too cold at night to put them outside.

Speaking of the mini-greenhouse (which K managed to put together pretty much single-handedly today), the kids planted broccoli, tomatoes and French marigolds earlier this week, along with the peppers.  The broccoli are already through.

I'll probably have too many plants so if anyone locally has too many of their plantings and would like to swap form an orderly queue - otherwise known as LET ME KNOW.

And to round off a lovely day A got the BBQ out to cook tea on.  Mmmmmmmmm.  Did I ever tell you how much I love that man.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A quick update

Cos there's not really much happening.  The kids are on Easter Break from college.  I'm still slaving away.  Hubby is too. 

These last two are quite important as we have seen a really nice kitchen.  It's not on his our list of things to do this year, but I live in hope.  I've been living in hope for 12 years.  And, strangely enough, we saw it in IKEA.  Now, we don't do IKEA.  We had a look round one some years ago and were unimpressed with what was on offer (and the price they wanted for it too).  Yesterday we were wandering round Southampton when hubby decided that it might be nice to see if they're still as bad, given that EVERYONE thinks they're fantastic/must have.  So now we are of the opinion that they do have some nice stuff at a reasonable price but some of their stock is still 'not us'.

I did see a nice dining table - £159 and can sit up to 10 people - but the chairs are extra (£35 each).  I reckon I can get away with just 6.  Our current dining table, which we've had for less than 10 years, has warped and the knots are becoming proud.  Also it doesn't clip together very well, both adding and removing the extender leaf.  And it's too big really.  It didn't look that big when we bought it.

Oh and yes we did buy something in IKEA, a new loo roll holder to replace one that broke off.

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.