According to the Met. Office there's a big winter storm heading our way. Oh goody! (Note the heavy sarcasm). Why is it that whenever I have something good to look forward to something intervenes. Tomorrow is the last day of my narrowband UVB photo-desensitisation and to celebrate I'm supposed to be meeting some friends for lunch at Croydon IKEA, but because of the storm it's been cancelled. The last time I was supposed to get together with these friends it was shortly after the July bombings in London - it got cancelled then too. Hmmmm, wonder if it's down to the fact that I'm invited. Maybe next time I'll say "No, sorry I'm busy," and then turn up anyway.
Looks like I'll be having a stressful day helping K finish her Biology coursework instead. Coursework has to be the biggest bugbear of home education, so much so that I'm going to devote a post to it one day (when I can summon up the energy after this coming week's marathon efforts).
Or I could bury my head in the sand and go and do lunch with B in the New Forest instead. But if the wind gets up like they're promising then maybe driving somewhere with lots of trees isn't a great idea either.
Decisions, decisions.
1 comment:
LOL don't be a wimp woman, trees schmees!! Glad to see you have joined the rank of blogger
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