Wednesday, 19 March 2008

For Sale - One Body

Reasonable condition. One careless, oops I mean careful, owner. Plenty of miles left on the clock (I hope). Regular maintenance required to keep running.

For the last 6 months or so I've been under the weather. It all started with an outbreak of catarrh in September which left me with a smoker's cough and retching first thing in a morning for a few weeks. I wasn't ill for more than a couple of days and, seeing as how I knew other people similarly afflicted, didn't think much of it - apart from no longer being able to drink tea with milk in it. I managed to shake that off only for it to return a couple of weeks later - more catarrh, sneezing, snuffling. Again, others were up and down with colds so it never bothered me. And so it has continued all winter - never quite shaking off one set of sniffles before the next lot started. Occassionally I have needed Beechams Capsules or Eucalyptus Oil but not that often.

During this time my digestive system has joined in. Now I'm a curry girl at heart so you can imagine how I've been feeling when the smell of curry makes me want to throw up. Poor A is beginning to think I'm passing judgement on his culinary prowess (wonderful), as more often than not I look at what is being cooked and turn away saying "I can't eat that".

And before anyone mentions pregnancy, forget it - it's not physically possible. Mind you it would explain the constant slighlty nauseous feelings.

I went to see the GP today fully expecting the usual litany of "lose weight and take more exercise" - that seems to be the cure for everything these days. I have a nasal spray to convince the catarrh to take a hike. He also thinks the catarrh is what is upsetting my stomach and taste buds - fingers crossed. However, to make sure all the bases are covered, I've also got to visit the dracula squad (aka blood taking clinic) to donate an armful (4 tubes). He's getting my cholesterol levels checked whilst the needle's in place (bless him!). Oh, and it's a fasting test so nothing to eat or drink apart from water from 10.30pm the previous evening till after they've got their deposit.

And I HATE NEEDLES, so cue much feeling faint during and immediately after the whole procedure. My veins seem to pick up on my anxiety and bury themselves deep in my arm. Last time I had a blood test it took a couple of gos in each arm before they hit paydirt!

So what am I bid for this pile of flesh and bones?

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Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.