Wednesday, 28 May 2008

A sign I'm getting older

For some time now I have noticed that my vision gets a bit blurred when I'm tired. Last Thursday I went for a 3 mile or so walk with a friend and we 'accidentally' finished it off in the pub. I was 6 feet away from the wine bottles and I couldn't make out the grape varieties on the labels! (And this was before I'd been served, let alone drank a couple of glasses).

So, today I went to the opticians at Tesco as they had an immediate appointment. I am now £149 lighter but have 2 pairs of glasses with anti-glare tint. They'll be ready sometime in the next couple of weeks. I have to use them for close-work - like being on here, or reading - but not for day-to-day activities (though I suppose that will come eventually).


Anonymous said...

Yeh, i GET BLURRED VISION AFTER A BOTTLE OR TWO OF WINE TOO, NOT HELPED BY having so many DO they stay on? Would try super glue but wouldn't then be able to change from the beer glasses with day wear to the cocktail galsses for the evening wear....

Anaya said...

You're insane, Lunar, you know that?! But I love you anyway.

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.