Wednesday, 25 February 2009

And Again!!!

I can't believe it's nearly 3 weeks since the last post. I really must give up this life stuff, it gets in the way. LOL!!!

D turned 17 last week. My baby has his first driving lesson today, so those of you with a PO postcode would do well to avoid the western reaches of that code this afternoon. He may also venture into the eastern reaches of the SO code. You have been warned!

I have just had to turn down 2 weeks paid work. It's full-time with a 7.30am start. I really don't do early starts - would much rather have a late finish. I've also applied for some trainee/junior positions with sound interesting. One is for a trainee accounting technician; another is for a trainee legal administration assistant. With having nearly 18 years out of the job market I figured I'd be better off starting at the bottom again. I have every intention of losing the trainee tag ASAP but really need some current experience and references. Also RSH (hospital) has called me in for my annual UV desensitisation treatments starting next week so I'm not really in the market for full-time work for the next 5 - 6 weeks, unless it's in Southampton.

Oh, and I have a cold again. I enjoyed the 6 weeks break from germs. Now if I could just get 6 months or more break before the next lot I'd appreciate it. More on the driving lesson later.


Anonymous said...

Lessons? You told me he's been driving for YEARS...(mad, that is)!
Hope it went well and the pavements were clear....;)))
Hugs, Lunar

Anaya said...

He's been very successful at driving me mad, as you know ;-). He is a bit happier today than he was on Wednesday and feels a bit more confident before his next lesson.

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.