At least in the working world. That's right, I didn't get the Trainee Accountant job. However I now have another half-dozen or so irons in the job-hunting fire.
Apparently these Modern Apprenticeships have no upper age limit so I'm applying for 3 of them. Why not! It's getting paid (seriously low money) to get bits of paper that say I'm competent at certain administrative procedures. These are instantly marketable and should stop me being ignored for people with more current experience.
Then there's a Science Technician required at a school in Southsea, 15 hours per week. Again the pays not fantastic but no experience necessary so what the heck. It's right next to Fratton station so I don't even have to drive in.
There's a Dispensary Assistant required in Wickham's doctors surgery, again no experience necessary but must be prepared to study for Dispensary qualifications. Must make sure I don't confuse eye drops with ear drops, as happened to poor D once.
Also there's an opening to work for my local MP as a full-time caseworker, sorting out constituents issues by liaising with the necessary government branches and hopefully finding a mutually satisfactory solution. All I'd need to do then is work out how to secure a £200K handshake when I make a complete horlicks of it. LOL!!!!!!
I am also considering taking up something I've always thought about but never had the nerve to try for - midwifery! I have experience on my side. Apparently the NHS pays your course fees, assuming you can bag one of the few well-sort-after positions. Southampton University has 25 places and 25 applicants per place. Probably no worse odds than I usually battle when job-hunting. I have to make enquiries as I am a mature student and the entry requirements are sometimes different to the straight from A-levels brigade. Plus I think it might be a bit late for this year.
This leads back to the beginning of this post in a way. If I have to take courses to get bits of paper to get a job, do I go for courses that bolster what I can already do or do I go for something new and very different (but no less interesting)? Because the way it's looking I am going to be very lucky to get a job as most require recent experience or relevant qualifications. Hence the reason I feel unloved and unwanted by the wider business world. To be fair to them it's a hirer's market at the moment and why should they take a punt on someone whose skills are rusty at best when there are so many people around who are up to speed.
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