Friday, 6 March 2009

Bye bye, Merc. Hello Focus

After 3 years of faithful service, and right before it started to get expensive to keep going, the Merc has gone. Now I have my Ford Focus and it is much more comfortable to drive. I picked it up this afternoon and drove round the corner to Asda to fill it up. No problems there, a mere £41. Coming back through Asda's car park on the main through way and some dozy bitch decided to pull out of a side road right in front of me - she was busy seeing to her lipstick. I would like to report that the brakes, horn and seatbelt tensioners work just fine, and the silly woman doesn't have a bright blue streak on her minibus. She didn't even apologise or look sheepish, just peered at me and carried on her way. That would be close to a record wouldn't it; you pick it up, fill it up and write it off, all in 5 minutes!

The interview yesterday went well, or so I think. I had made it to a shortlist of 6 out of the many applicants. Now I have to wait to see if I'm in the last two. I really want this job - the money is fine, the perks are perky, and the prospects are eye-opening once I've got all the necessary qualifications (which they are paying for). Fingers crossed.

Oh and two of my wines are about ready for bottling. It's gonna be a great weekend ;-)


Anonymous said...

So how was the wine, or does it have to sit in the bottles before you drink it?

Anaya said...

Haven't bottled it yet, and yes it will have to sit for a week or two after I do.

Anonymous said...

All good things are worth waiting for. :o)

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.