Friday, 7 August 2009

One of those weeks!

This has been an interesting week, techonology-wise. On Wednesday I finally plucked up the courage to get myself a Pampered Chef website. I'm not allowed to post a link to it on here but if you want it, e-mail me and I'll send it to you (strange rule I know, but.....). I then spent 3 hours playing with the settings, viewing the finished article to make sure everything was fine - most of the work is done for you, it's just the personalisation bit that you need to sort out. Then, suddenly, the website wouldn't come up any more. I assumed it was a case of waiting for final approval from on high, so I started playing with the content aimed only at us consultants.

Yesterday there was still no sign of a 'live' site so I started adding my customer information into the site's database, along with notes on what they'd bought and what they'd like if it ever came up on special offer. Then, suddenly, that bit broke - crashed completely. Cue one frantic phone call to the helpdesk. The nice man unblocked whatever I'd broke and I had a live site and a working database. :-))))))

Today I picked up the phone to call a friend. Bet you can guess what happened? Yep, the phone threw a hissy fit and refused to work. Soon got it sorted out but A has banned me from touching the new oven.

That's 3 technological hiccups. Ya think I've had my allocation?


Lunar said...

Who have you been upsetting then;) Think you are more than due that holiday..., your'e not driving are you?!!??

Anaya said...

A says I'm not allowed to drive tomorrow. DO you think that bothers me?! hehehehe.

As you can see from my next post, it might turn into a partial working holiday. Ah well, might earn me enough money to go on a real one somewhere, sometime.

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.