And not before time. On Sunday I weighed in at 13st 6lbs!!! I haven't been that heavy for nearly 2 years. Today I found I'd lost 4lbs which made me feel a bit better but it has all been the required kick up the bum to get on with things. I know you shouldn't weigh yourself so often because of such crazy fluctuations but I was scared the weight was still going up, and I don't want to return to the 14st I was carrying 2 years ago.
So for lunch today I had a jacket with cheese and beans, and a piece of garlic bread. Very good, huh! Then for dinner tonight I had this:
Yes that really is lettuce, tomato and peppers you see on my plate, along with some potato wedges, homemade pork curry-burgers and cucumber raita. I ate most of the salad but only some of the burgers (they were small) and no wedges. I was stuffed!!!!! (And, no Joy, I didn't smother the salad in Balsamic dip like I said I would, the raita was enough).
Those of you who know me well will probably be climbing back into your chairs whilst checking if your heart has stopped. Those of you who don't will probably be bemused as to why a plate with salad on it is cause for such merriment. Well, I HATE salad, the texture, the taste, the whole shebang. Or I did. Today it really called to me to eat it so I did. Admittedly it was in a mini pitta bread with raita and a mini pork burger. BUT I ATE IT WITHOUT GAGGING, which is a very big thing. There are going to be a lot of people all over the country who are going to be seriously gobsmacked.
Most of my 'get healthier, get fitter' stuff will be posted on my other blog. You'll find the main body of this post repeated there, along with my weight loss tracker widget. I want to keep this blog for 'life'.
Anyway, post a comment to let me know you're out there and still reading.
Crikey girl I am impressed! No excuses now, you downed the evil salad and lived to tell the tale!
Keep up the good work... as you said today you know the you just have to walk the walk!
Doxie :o)
I'm with you on the whole salad thing - and like you, have made eating healthier one of my goals for 2010.
I'm glad I *stumbled* across your blog whilst hopping around blogland. I look forward to re-visiting and reading more.
Julia (home-educating mum of 4)
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