It's my blog and I'll swear if I want to!
At the weekend I learned that my baby brother - 8 years younger than me - has a dark mole that itches and that he's having it removed tomorrow. It was very quick from him seeing his GP to seeing the specialist to getting the date for removal - 3 weeks as far as I can work out. This is the first time he's ever had to deal with his skin going off on one. Me, I live with it due to dysplastic naevus syndrome. Click on the link and scroll down the page to the relevant bit, but humour me and read ALL the page.
So far, I haven't had the dreaded words "I'm sorry Mrs B but it's malignant" despite having 3 moles removed on the 'better safe than sorry' principle - mine not the dermatologist's.
If you have any spare prayers, positive vibes, or similar going I'm sure he and his family will appreciate it. He has a wife and 2 young children.
Thanks muchly.
Sending good vibes.
Hope all goes well.
How's he doing? Any news? Hugs to you all x
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