Saturday, 26 April 2008

Fit to drop

Yesterday I got the Wii Fit. I brought it home, along with 2 friends. Surprise, surprise, A chose to finish work at lunchtime - well it was Friday! - so the queue of people waiting to use the Wii board and show off their fitness (or lack thereof) was quite big. I'm not going to embarrass anyone by detailing their BMI or prowess but the audience was usually in hysterics.

During all this our osteopath friend arrived to give K & I a cranial session each. We then convinced her to have a go or three. There were a few aches later.

Today K & I had another 20 minutes each on it. That flipping Step Aerobic bit is HARD! Either that or I am just not co-ordinated. However I am the best skiier by over a second. My only gripe so far is that the beginners press-ups section also has side lifts. I can't do press-ups so I was hoping it would start with half press-ups, where you kneel on all fours and lower your top half to the ground. This wasn't the case so I scored a big fat zero on that section and got a slight wrist-slap from my virtual personal instructor.

At £65 it is cheaper and more fun than the gym. We have been swapping Wii codes with our friends so we can track each others progress/record point scores. I foresee a lot of healthy competition coming up.


Anonymous said...

Can't post on your running blog cause I'm nameless there!
Just remember that Wii doesn't count when it's on 'pause'...;)) And an idle walk under a brolly don't count neever......
(secretly real proud of you, you know....)

Anaya said...


Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.