Saturday 27 March 2010

Not the best news

Remember this post?  Well, Susan got her results yesterday and her IBC is back.  Why not go over to her blog and learn more about this most aggressive form of breast cancer, and give her a virtual hug at the same time.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Follow up

Remember my post from a couple of days ago about drowning my mouse?  Well, today we tried it and IT HAS DRIED OUT AND IS NOW ALIVE AND WORKING!!!!  Forgive the shouting but at least the management will now have one less excuse to be mad at me.  (They do have one or two - lack of reverence to their position being the main one (just because you're a manager doesn't mean ALL your decisions are righteous).

Army of Women

Are you, or do you know of, someone who has been affected by breast cancer?  Maybe you don't but would still like to 'get your hands dirty' helping out with research into the causes of this killer.  If one of these fits you, go to the Army of Women website and register.

They're a research group looking for volunteers for studies into the causes and treatments of breast cancer.  At the moment the vast majority of the studies are based in the US.  However, they are looking to expand round the world so spread the word.  This nasty disease kills thousands of women each year.  If we all did our bit, just think of how many lives would be postively affected by this - the women afflicted, their families and their friends.  Millions of people's lives would no longer be blighted.

Go on, you know you want to!

Thursday 18 March 2010

I did a silly thing today

I drowned my mouse at work today.  I managed to tip a full mug of tea all over my desk, and my mouse and keyboard got most of it, closely followed by my trousers.  The mouse is now defunct.  The keyboard and my trousers are redeemable.  So, it turned out, was the new employee information that was on my desk ready for posting to personnel by recorded delivery.  Fortunately the ink didn't run, making it illegible, and the Senior Management type who had given it me to take care of wasn't unduly upset either.  PHEW!

I call it the flip side to me having a bright idea and acting upon it, receiving praise all round.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Hugs for a friend please

I've been following this blog for a couple of years now.  Susan had both breasts removed due to inflammatory breast cancer.  This past week she has had a PET scan - clever machine that shows up where lots of cellular activity is happening - due to pain and discomfort.  Six lymph nodes showed up.  It could be an infection or yet more cancer.

Go on over to her blog and give her a hug.

That's my fix for a while

What a night!!!!!!  Absolutely fantastic!!!!! 

If you ever get the opportunity to see The Bon Jovi Experience you should. Two hours of hits and it cost us a tenner each.  Be warned though, it's very loud.  We both have varying degrees of deafness today.

The lead singer has more than a passing resemblance to the real thing.  Scary, huh?!

The rest of the band, really not so much like their counterparts.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Ooh I'm so excited!!!!

Hubby and I are going out on Saturday night.  We're going to see Bon Jovi on the cheap.  Bearing in mind Jon and the boys are coming to the O2 arena in June and the tickets are £45 - £200+, the £10 each we're paying for Saturday's gig in a little club in Southampton is better value by far.  Of course we're not actually seeing Bon Jovi themselves (boo, hiss) but we ARE seeing a decent tribute band.  Decent enough that Jon Bon Jovi has sung with them.  Click on the link and go to the audio/video link.

Can't wait.

ps  D is recovering nicely.  The black eye is almost gone.  However out dentist is on holiday this week so that's all on hold till Monday 15th.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Can someone tell me why?

On Friday D was coming home from college on the bus when he got into a discussion with another college student (A - nothing to do with his name) over whether yet another student should sit down.

A: Sit down, will you
D: Maybe she doesn't want to sit down
A: Whoever said that can suck my d*ck
D (standing up to his 6' 2 height): Wanna say that again?
A grabs D up near the throat
D grabs A similarly ready to push him away, having the longer reach
A thumps D in the face, once
Queue stunned silence on the bus
A immediately realises the OTT of his actions and apologises

D makes it home with a badly bruised eye and cheek, a cracked lower middle tooth and a broken off leaving a third of the original length tooth.

(photos taken today, 2 days after.  On the top one yes that is more bruising between the eye and the ear.  The lower one shows the tooth after the temporary patch/rebuild - 2nd from right - now at two-thirds its original size)

The dental bill is likely to be £500 - £1000.  I think, as D is a full-time student, there'll be nothing to pay.  However, I'm wondering whether to send a copy of the paperwork to A and try to make him pay.

Some out there may think we're being soft by not involving the police but, and you KNOW how warped some of the police actions have become, we wonder whether D's "Wanna say that again?" comment may be construed as incitement.  Besides D is not interested in pursuing it.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Oh shit!

It's my blog and I'll swear if I want to!

At the weekend I learned that my baby brother - 8 years younger than me - has a dark mole that itches and that he's having it removed tomorrow.  It was very quick from him seeing his GP to seeing the specialist to getting the date for removal - 3 weeks as far as I can work out.  This is the first time he's ever had to deal with his skin going off on one.  Me, I live with it due to dysplastic naevus syndrome.  Click on the link and scroll down the page to the relevant bit, but humour me and read ALL the page.

So far, I haven't had the dreaded words "I'm sorry Mrs B but it's malignant" despite having 3 moles removed on the 'better safe than sorry' principle - mine not the dermatologist's.

If you have any spare prayers, positive vibes, or similar going I'm sure he and his family will appreciate it.  He has a wife and 2 young children.

Thanks muchly.

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.