Thursday 18 March 2010

I did a silly thing today

I drowned my mouse at work today.  I managed to tip a full mug of tea all over my desk, and my mouse and keyboard got most of it, closely followed by my trousers.  The mouse is now defunct.  The keyboard and my trousers are redeemable.  So, it turned out, was the new employee information that was on my desk ready for posting to personnel by recorded delivery.  Fortunately the ink didn't run, making it illegible, and the Senior Management type who had given it me to take care of wasn't unduly upset either.  PHEW!

I call it the flip side to me having a bright idea and acting upon it, receiving praise all round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww rats;)))

Random mutterings on whatever takes my fancy. I used to Home Educate but my little angels are at college now so I'm 'redundant'. I'm just writing about everyday stuff. It's mainly light-hearted but sometimes serious. No offence is ever intended.